Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Letters of a Revivalist

Praise the Lord I got my tent stretched with little droop. I am praying and believing for a new tent. I can purchase a brand new one for $6500.00 I have over half of it saved and we have been saving for the last 3 months. I am believing God to give the increase so we can take our tent revivals to a new limit. I bought 125 new chairs a couple of months ago and have 80 more to go with them.

I am also looking at buying a couple of tent heaters for $700.00 each. They will bring a tent to over 70 degrees F when it is 30 degrees outside. There is such freedom in a tent and I can follow after God instead of the rules and regulations of man.

In our next monthly newsletter I am going to bring it to my covenant partners that we need $3000.00 for our new tent. I know many of them will give towards the new tent. There is a great need besides how much easier it will be to put up, the new tent will be more impressive.

I am trying to post a picture of a tent but the system seems to be down right now. Tomorrow will get the rest of the tent set up and the chairs back in place. I washed the tent down tonight. Keep us in prayer and be praying with us about the tent.
Revivalist TJ Tipton

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Letters of a Revivalist
I am beat as well as beat up. It is 1 am in the morning and I am setting here praying Lord what did I do to deserve a square tent? I have put up several tents in my life and this is the 10th time I have put this tent up and every time the same problem. It is such a pain. God give me another tent.
Anyways besides the frustration there is great victory. Rhonda with Colton and Rebekah (Faith stayed with Rhonda's parents). arrived in Spiro around 3:00 pm. Rhonda drove the Ford f250 and I drove the f-350. We got the trailor set up and started working on the tent. The guy I am purchasing electric and water from came over and told me not to worry about paying him. He just wanted to bless our ministry. Praise God!
At midnight I was still fighting with the tent. I am praying God will send someone to buy a 48X70 tent. I know with God all things are possible.
I even ordered and watched a DVD on how to put it up but to no avail.
To God be the glory because of His faithfullness to us.
I guess I better go I just fell asleep.
Revivalist TJ Tipton
Letters of a Revivalist

Ok its 2:38 am and our house is in total chaos. When I say that I want you to understand that every time we start loading the camper Rhonda spends at least 4-5 hours getting the triplets clothes ready.

I spend just as much time cleaning and getting everything that has to go ready to go, and if that doesn't top it off ITS A TENT REVIVAL so we must get the tent, chairs, poles, curtains, PA system ( need a new pa head) and all the extra stuff we need to take to make the tent revival happen.

I had to mow the lawn today as well as make sure that the neighbors new we would be gone for a while. I dont forsee us coming home at all until after June the 23rd. I am believing that we are going to get caught up in one of the greatest revivals I have ever been in. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if we moved into an air condition building of some kind.

I can't spend long writing this Rhonda has just got the triplets laying down. They get so excited when it comes time to leave.

Faith, Colton, and Rebekah ready for the road and to do revival

We also went to a tent revival in Waldron, AR. I dont know what I would do if I didnt have any musical experience. Those who dont unless they have people with them that can play I am sure become frustrated. There was no music except for a CD that they sung by. That is fine if it is all you have, but I pray the Lord will send someone to help them out.

As I listened to the minister speak I could tell he had been hurt by the church. It makes me sad but I have been there also and I love the church and know the church is the only hope this world has.

I must get my computer packed but wanted to write this blog before I tore it down. The next blog I write will be on the road and hopefully under the tent.

Revivalist TJ Tipton

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Letters of a Revivalist
Wow it has been a very busy three days. We have been in revival at my inlaws church with Prophetess Brenda Jeffery. She did an amazing job as God used her to prophecy into lives that needed the change of God to take place.
Over the past year I have been working on a book. The name of it is, "When Faith Touches the Anointing." I just finished it today. I sent it to the proof reader in Indiana and am also waiting for the forward from Apostle Bobby Hogan.
Speaking of Apostle Hogan, Sunday April 27, 2008 Christ for the World will be having a birthday celebration for the man of God. In honour of his birthday they are going to be having a free dinner after services. I had the honour to be asked to preach at Bobby's birthday celebration service. What an honour! I mean just to get to preach at one of the most fired up Holy Ghost Churches in America is honour enought but to be able to preach at his birthday celebration is such a compliment to the gift of God that is in me. I want to invite all that can to come to this birthday celebration.
I have got a lot done by being home the past couple of weeks. I got our new CD project done, "Preach the Word." I got the book finished, "When Faith Touches the Anointing," and now I have to finish the camper so I can leave Tuesday morning to go to Spiro to set up the tent for our first tent revival in 2008.
If you would like a copy of our new book please contact me by email or leave a comment and we will make arrangements to get the book to you. The cost per book will be $10.00 plus a $2.00 shipping and handling.
In the next few days I will be posting pictures of the tent and what work goes on to putting up the gospel tent.
Revivalist TJ Tipton