Thursday, October 19, 2006

Wow What a Summer!

The Lord has been preparing us for what is about to happen. As we went throughout Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas preaching in the tent. We saw God show up in power and might as He healed the sick and saw the oppressed delivered. It is such a humbling experience when you lay your hands on the sick and God heals them.

At a camp meeting this Labor Day at Christ for the World. A dear friend and Apostle Bobby Hogan prophecied over me saying,

Brother Tipton the Lord says, "The next 30 days is the most important days of your life. I see a cross road in your ministry." The Lord says, "There is getting ready to be some changes, they are going to be major and those changes are going to be in the next six (6) months. But the next 30 days is the most important time of your life, because your getting ready to have something inside happen that is going to change your ministry and the change is so much." Oh I hear the Holy Ghost saying, "Just like Saul was turned into another man when he was anointed. Your getting to be turned into another man," Turn around three (3) times and bring me the oil and when I lay my hands on you the Lord says, "The spirit of prophecy like you have never had." I am not talking like this scattered stuff. I'm talking about prophecy that is going to fallon you from the dotting of the i's and the crossing of the t's and the rumor is going to be if you want a word from God go see TJ Tipton.


I just got back from Uganda, Africa. I saw miracle after miracle. Everything from HIV healed to the paralytic walk. Many Muslims were saved as they experienced the love and power of God. Our first service in a village a local witch doctor got saved. In that same village of Kagoma we planted a church that we named, "River of Life Church." Over 120 people are attending regularly even though they don't have a building and are meeting under a tree. As I was preaching every day and many times three times a day I knew there would be a change when I got back home. I appreciate Mike and Lori Reed for all they did and how they went out of their way for me. They will never know what it meant to me and I was so honoured to stay with them while I was in Uganda. Please keep them in your prayers they are doing tremendous work in Uganda Africa. Only eternity will be able to show what they have planted while being resident missionaries in Jinja Uganda.

After spending a relaxing week with Rhonda and the triplets I knew I had to find out what direction God was going to take us. I was invited to go and minister at a Hispanic Church in Howe, OK and the Word of Knowleged and the Word of Wisdom exploded in me. Miracel after miracle took place both nights people were standing because of the lack of room for seating.

I was a bit hesitant but not surprised when I realized that I was to resign from River of Life Church as Sr. Pastor. The Holy Spirit had been pushing us since July to resign and go full time on the road.

We will be heading west to the Hobbs, NM area, Shiprock, NM area, and then hopefully to Pheonix, AZ. We are praying that God will open doors as we take the Word of God with signs and wonders across America and then to the world.

If you would like "The Sent Ones" to come and minister in the prophetic with signs and wonders contact us at

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