Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I Need a Dreamer and a Doer

The ministry can one of the toughest lives there is to live.  We have to be strong when we feel week, honest even when it will hurt us, and have a moral character that is impeccable.  

I know there are a lot of things that one can do to help themselves in these areas, but one of the greatest keys is to, "Surround myself with  dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all, surround myself with those who see the greatness within you, even when you don’t see it yourself.”

You are who you hang with

In ministry, you will need other people to help you achieve your goals. Whether you are the boss of many or the boss of few -- or just part of the few -- you will need others to become successful. This is a fact of life that is undeniable.  The "Me and Jesus" theory DOES NOT WORK!

The bottom line is that to achieve great heights, you must fly with the best. And others will judge you based on those that surround you. So choose your lieutenants carefully.

If you choose men and women of quality, competence and integrity to work with and you are able to work well together, you will come off looking brilliant from the onset. By picking the right crew, you will gain respect. By picking the wrong crew, you will be derided as someone that can't even pick the right people to work with, let alone manage them or organizations of any sort.

Becoming more successful

As your organization grows and you become more and more successful, you want to make sure to spread the anointing . The last thing you want is for your lieutenants and soldiers to start whispering behind your back and starting rumors that undermine your position.

Thus, you must make sure to keep them happy -- but not too happy. A fully content man is never as effective as a man with hunger in his eyes. So remember to keep your guys happy by praising them and giving them material rewards as a show of appreciation.

Don't spoil them, though, lest they become ingrates. Let them know you actually care and want God's best for them and will help them in their ministry as well.  For those of you who are wondering what exactly a man of quality consists of, I'm about to let you know.

You want to have a strong right hand man, a man with a good reputation, a man who can hold his tongue, and, finally, you want good friends on your side when you need them to be there.
Please feel free to share this with others.
Apostle TJ and Rhonda Tipton 

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