Saturday, March 22, 2008

Besides the every other week postings I feel the need to share a blog of everday events of a revivalist. I hope that in ways it will show what goes on in a life of a family that is on the road doing their best to serve the Lord.

I will try to be candid and truthful to share the victories as well as near disasters. I pray that many people will start reading and sharing with others. I will try to be clear and let you into our lives as much as I can. No I wont share any arguments between Rhonda and I LOL.

I will share frustrations, the places we have visited and many of the miracles that we have seen taken place. Please feel free to leave comments. It is a very difficult life even for those who are called. With statistics saying that 15 ministers leave the ministry every day I can truly understand why.

Even as much as I love serving the Lord it can be very difficult. Even the past two weeks I have been fighting an illness as well as a depressing feeling. I know and quote often I am more than a coqueror through Him that loves me.

So please join me as I share the road and the power of Christ as I journey through the world preaching the precious name of Jesus Christ.

I will also try to take more pictures to share. Of course there will be a lot of shots of the triplets.

The next blog you will read will be a blog of tonight service in Mena, Ar at the Country Church.

Rhonda and I thank you so much for your prayers and support. Please keep in touch. TJ

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

TJ, we enjoyed reading your latest blogs. It's interesting how a couple spends their time working for the Lord. I know you will be blessed for doing this for God.