Saturday, March 22, 2008

OK i admit it I love to preach. Yeah I know your a revivalist so you have to like to preach. If you really believe that then you ought to preach in some of the places that I have had to preach in. I still like to preach. One of my favorite times was when I was in Uganda and a factory allowed me to come in and preach to their workers. I preached twice and wow the Word of God changed the lives of so many.

We are currently at home preaching at "The Country Church." The pastors are Jerry and Linda Watts (my inlaws). When Rhonda and I resigned as pastors a year and half ago we turned the church over to her parents and I must say they have done a great job.

Though I am the apostle over the church, I love to preach there. Tonight we had around 30 people present. We are having an Easter Miracle Service this weekend. I will finish up Sunday AM. I preached tonight, How To Change Your Destiny. If you want the notes on that service please email me.

There was great singing. My dad and mom drove from Tahlequah and my dad sung tonight. I dont get to play or sing with him much but when I do I am always blessed. He has taught me a lot and I appreciate his abilities.

There was several there who needed to be delivered and many came forward to release God's destiny in their lives. I praise God for His anointing to change the schemes of satan and turn our greatest defeats into victories.

I hope to keep these blogs short and sweet so many will read them.

Please pray for my trip to Uganda I wont be leaving until the end of November 2008, but there is over $12000.00 to still raise and arrangements to be made.

Please read yesterdays post to understand why I am writing these posts everyday.


Anonymous said...

I really appreciate your honesty. I have always wondered what it would be like to live on the road preaching the Gospel. I will look forward to reading your blogs daily and I will also commit to help with your trip to Uganda in November. Dan

Anonymous said...

Oh this is going to be a lot of fun. TJ thanks for sharing. I will also keep you in my prayers.