Friday, April 11, 2008

Letters of a Revivalist
It's getting closer, I am starting to get excited about the tent revival in Spiro, OK. We have made the final preperations for the site with electric and water. The location will be 19346 Hwy 271. The tent will be on a corner lot next to JJ's Service Station on the East side of Spiro going towards Fort Smith, AR.
We had an awesome service tonight at the Country Church where Prophetess Brenda Jeffery is in a weekend meeting. A powerful move of God from the beginning to the end lives forever changed by the prophetic word of God.
I have been on cloud nine since last Sundays service. I wasn't able to post yesterday because I was in Fort Smith, AR at Christ for the World working on their video equipment and on the way back I stopped at a tent revival that i had seen on the way in. Needless to say I was wore out by the time that I got home.
Next Monday thru Wednesday I will be fasting for the tent revival and also for some of the needs that our covenant partners have sent in. I usually dont share these things but since this is a daily event of what is going on I felt it was ok to share when I fast, pray, and other spiritual things that take place.
I am also really behind on my Bible reading probably about 8 chapters. With the campmeeting and everything the two nights of revival at Jerry Lee's and now this weekend meeting at the Country Church I have really got behind. I will have to catch up. I am determined to get the Bible read all the way through in the next 6 months.
I am also getting excited about my Africa trip to Uganda. I am believing every penny that is needed is going to manifest forth. I was talking with a prophet friend and he was telling to start pulling my future into my NOW! It was powerful what he was saying. I am praying that the Holy Spirit will teach me how to do this. I was studying and God showed me how that he brought Pentecost which was thousands or years away into his now. If your interested in finding out how let me know.
Revivalist TJ Tipton

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Letters of a Revivalist
Its 2:00 am and I am not in bed yet. We were in Fort Smith today and I have to go back in the morning. Thats $40.00 US every time I make that trip. I have to go by Spiro, OK and check out the land where we are putting the tent.
Tonight in services at Texas Road Worship Center the tornado sirens went off. We bound the storm and continued on with church. I am planning to go back tomorrow night. The Friday Prophetess Brenda Jeffery will be at the Country Church Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I will be doing the praise and worship.
I want to quickly share a word from the Lord that He has been dealing with me.
The Lord started releasing a word to me about how He is going to bring different ministries into new levels by using individuals who can plant seed and bring increase into ministries . There are ministries who need to be able to do more but there is lack in finances. A definition that I use regularly is the word Frustration. Frustration is vision without provision. In other words Rhonda and I save all year long to go to Uganda. The cost is usually around $7000 US. This year however it will be about $12,000.00 US.
What would happen if someone came to me and said, "TJ, I want to pay your missionary trip to Uganda because I believe in what you are doing." That gift would take us into a new level. We could use that money for radio and TV. Shortwave radio could take the message of Christ around the world. I have two TV stations that we can put our message on for just $100.00 a week. One person could take this ministry into a new level. One person could take your ministry into a new level. Are you ready for your new level?
Apostle TJ Tipton

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Letters of a Revivalist

Man today was such a great day. I GOT TO REST! After such a powerful weekend I took a day off. It was much needed. I am so thankful I have a wife that understands and let me rest. SOOOOOOO tomorrow I have to get back with it.

I also started a diet today. Yeah I know they never work out but I am going to try. I will stay about 1500 calories a day and work out daily. I did that back in 2002 and lost 50 plus pounds. As busy as I stay I need to get some of this weight off. I know I will feel better.

We found a place for the tent in Spiro, OK and Prophetess Brenda is going to check on utilities tomorrow. I am leaving Thursday to spend the day in Fort Smith helping Christ for the World with their new video equipment or their editing suite.

I will then go to Texas Road Worship Center they are in revival there and I love the Pastor Jerry Lee Anderson. He is one of the best keyboard players I have ever heard. I love playing with him.

The Devil Killer - Prophet Jerry Lee Anderson

The picture above was take at the church I was pastoring a few years ago. We had a great time. Here is also a link to hear Jerry Lee sing:
He has other links you can listen to also. He is one of my dearest friends and I appreciate him and his wife Jodi very much. In matter of fact I will be in revival at Texas Road Worship Center the first of November of 2008.
Tomorrow I have to clean the truck and finish what I started on the camper. I will be pulling out Tuesday morning to go set up the tent in Spiro, OK. Tomorrow I will try to share a prophetic word that the Lord has been dealing with me about.
Until then
Revivalist TJ Tipton

Monday, April 07, 2008

Letters of a Revivalist

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah I know its been four days and I have not got a new blog up. My schedule for the last four days has been Up at 7:30 am and asleep usually by 2:30 or 3:00am. Because I wanted to stay with Rhonda and the triplets I drove back and forth everyday to camp meeting. That in its self was an 1:45 minute drive.

I won't write a lot but there is so much to write about. Thursday, Friday and Saturday were some of the most awesome services. At every altar call I played the keyboards and sung. It was so great to play with such talented musicians. I believe everyone of them could be studio musicians Bobby Hogan is so blessed to have so many wonderful musicians. I would sing at least and hour and half every night while the speaker would minister and it did not fail that people would stay and dance, cry, pray, and get caught up in the Spirit for and hour or better after the minister would pray for those who came to the altar.

SUNDAY was truly one of the best services that I have ever been in. The service started at 3:00pm and lasted until 11:00 pm. Yes thats right the longest service I have ever been in America. Apostle Bobby Hogan, Prophetess Teresa Hogan, Prophetess Brenda Jeffery, and Myself prophesied to over 250 people. It was glorious!

It was one of weekend that I will remeber as long as I live. I kind of have a peak at what the last day revival is going to look like. When the former and the latter rain is going to be poured out by the Holy Ghost.

I will be preaching the second night of the July 4th Campmeeting. Here the information:

Apostle Bobby Hogan

Christ for the World - Summer Campmeeting

Wednesday, July 1st - Sunday, July 6th Christ For The World International Headquarters4510 Towson Ave / Fort Smith, Arkansas(Begins Tuesday night at 7:00 pm) 11:00 am daily and 7:00 pm nightly(479) 649-5970
You will want to make plans to come to these Holy Ghost filled services. I promise they will be some of the most awesome services you have ever been in. I will be driving from Pueblo, CO to be there the whole campmeeting. I would do it even if I was not ministering.
To all of you who read this blog I appreciate you and love you. Please tell others. God Bless until tomorrow.
Revivalist TJ Tipton