Monday, April 07, 2008

Letters of a Revivalist

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah I know its been four days and I have not got a new blog up. My schedule for the last four days has been Up at 7:30 am and asleep usually by 2:30 or 3:00am. Because I wanted to stay with Rhonda and the triplets I drove back and forth everyday to camp meeting. That in its self was an 1:45 minute drive.

I won't write a lot but there is so much to write about. Thursday, Friday and Saturday were some of the most awesome services. At every altar call I played the keyboards and sung. It was so great to play with such talented musicians. I believe everyone of them could be studio musicians Bobby Hogan is so blessed to have so many wonderful musicians. I would sing at least and hour and half every night while the speaker would minister and it did not fail that people would stay and dance, cry, pray, and get caught up in the Spirit for and hour or better after the minister would pray for those who came to the altar.

SUNDAY was truly one of the best services that I have ever been in. The service started at 3:00pm and lasted until 11:00 pm. Yes thats right the longest service I have ever been in America. Apostle Bobby Hogan, Prophetess Teresa Hogan, Prophetess Brenda Jeffery, and Myself prophesied to over 250 people. It was glorious!

It was one of weekend that I will remeber as long as I live. I kind of have a peak at what the last day revival is going to look like. When the former and the latter rain is going to be poured out by the Holy Ghost.

I will be preaching the second night of the July 4th Campmeeting. Here the information:

Apostle Bobby Hogan

Christ for the World - Summer Campmeeting

Wednesday, July 1st - Sunday, July 6th Christ For The World International Headquarters4510 Towson Ave / Fort Smith, Arkansas(Begins Tuesday night at 7:00 pm) 11:00 am daily and 7:00 pm nightly(479) 649-5970
You will want to make plans to come to these Holy Ghost filled services. I promise they will be some of the most awesome services you have ever been in. I will be driving from Pueblo, CO to be there the whole campmeeting. I would do it even if I was not ministering.
To all of you who read this blog I appreciate you and love you. Please tell others. God Bless until tomorrow.
Revivalist TJ Tipton

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