Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Letters of a Revivalist

Ok its 2:38 am and our house is in total chaos. When I say that I want you to understand that every time we start loading the camper Rhonda spends at least 4-5 hours getting the triplets clothes ready.

I spend just as much time cleaning and getting everything that has to go ready to go, and if that doesn't top it off ITS A TENT REVIVAL so we must get the tent, chairs, poles, curtains, PA system ( need a new pa head) and all the extra stuff we need to take to make the tent revival happen.

I had to mow the lawn today as well as make sure that the neighbors new we would be gone for a while. I dont forsee us coming home at all until after June the 23rd. I am believing that we are going to get caught up in one of the greatest revivals I have ever been in. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if we moved into an air condition building of some kind.

I can't spend long writing this Rhonda has just got the triplets laying down. They get so excited when it comes time to leave.

Faith, Colton, and Rebekah ready for the road and to do revival

We also went to a tent revival in Waldron, AR. I dont know what I would do if I didnt have any musical experience. Those who dont unless they have people with them that can play I am sure become frustrated. There was no music except for a CD that they sung by. That is fine if it is all you have, but I pray the Lord will send someone to help them out.

As I listened to the minister speak I could tell he had been hurt by the church. It makes me sad but I have been there also and I love the church and know the church is the only hope this world has.

I must get my computer packed but wanted to write this blog before I tore it down. The next blog I write will be on the road and hopefully under the tent.

Revivalist TJ Tipton

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