Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Letters of a Revivalist
I am beat as well as beat up. It is 1 am in the morning and I am setting here praying Lord what did I do to deserve a square tent? I have put up several tents in my life and this is the 10th time I have put this tent up and every time the same problem. It is such a pain. God give me another tent.
Anyways besides the frustration there is great victory. Rhonda with Colton and Rebekah (Faith stayed with Rhonda's parents). arrived in Spiro around 3:00 pm. Rhonda drove the Ford f250 and I drove the f-350. We got the trailor set up and started working on the tent. The guy I am purchasing electric and water from came over and told me not to worry about paying him. He just wanted to bless our ministry. Praise God!
At midnight I was still fighting with the tent. I am praying God will send someone to buy a 48X70 tent. I know with God all things are possible.
I even ordered and watched a DVD on how to put it up but to no avail.
To God be the glory because of His faithfullness to us.
I guess I better go I just fell asleep.
Revivalist TJ Tipton

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